Amusement Ride Safety- Facts
Our show maintains compliance year round with all state, local, and federal agency's to ensure the safety of both staff and customers. Rides are inspected weekly throughout NY, MA, ME, VT, NH, CT and PA by state inspectors as well as daily by the Staff. The show is also compliant with the new Massachusetts Amusement regulations. Safety is one of our biggest concerns, and with your help, we can remain accident free.
Amusement Ride Safety Tips
Many customers request to bring small children on rides designed for teens and adults. Please understand- If a child is smaller than the manufacure set height requirement, you put your child in harms way attempting to put them on a ride not designed for them. If the operator says no- they're saying it for the sake of your child. Wait a year or's not worth the risk.
Some Simple Rules To Follow:

Read and follow all safety postings around the ride.

Make sure any seat belts or lap bars are tight and locked properly.

Do not jump off a ride or unlock your car or restraints until you are instructed to.

If you notice ANYTHING wrong, notify the operator or management right away.

Never fool around. Be careful of items you can trip on or catch clothing.

Metal surfaces can be slippery, especially when it is raining. Walk slowly!

If you have been drinking or are otherwise intoxicated, DO NOT ride any rides